Brand spanking new!
5 weeks ago
...not always about cycling or trying to find a job...
View showing the flats over-looking the garden.
General view with resident picking herbs.
Probably the largest herb spiral in the world!
A great use for old public footpath signs...
and for an old canoe!
The other community garden was Hulme Community Garden Centre, a very different but equally super place only 10 minutes down the road. It's a community garden with a garden centre in front, or a garden centre with a community garden behind it? I was particularly keen to visit as I'd got a job interview later that week covering some of the sorts of things they were doing.
Garden centre with new flats behind.
Part of the community garden area.
Super containers!
Three different ways of growing potatoes.
Their new green roof. They are going to grow vegetables on the area at the back!