Friday, 23 April 2010

The Garden in March and April

After the winter we've had this year, it's taken a while to get back into the garden. I've been doing some work for the Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust, and getting stuck into Neighbourhood Nature, the OPAL Lichen survey and iSpot, which has all been fascinating. In March I remembered there was a garden out there!

Mid-March: new Garlic planted out. Red Mustard and Leeks weathered the snow, but don't look very big...

Late March: currant cuttings from winter 2008/9 lined out at the back of the plot. The Sorrel (centre) noticeably larger.

Early April: signs of life from the herbs, Marjoram at the front, mints near the back. Over-wintered Lamb's Lettuce and Mizuna planted out under fleece.

Mid-April: Leeks going well, it was worth leaving them. Now to eat them! Red Mustard and Sorrel growing too fast to keep up!

And finally, late April. What a month it has been, what a spring!

Friday, 16 April 2010

Friday night

Get home about 6:30 after volunteering at Hyson Green Homework club.
Green ginger wine and tortilla chips (fusion food?), listening to the News quiz, if I'm lucky.
Juice (Podcast receiver) to download this week's Costing the Earth, One Planet, Science in Action, etc.
Friday's job searching: Derby and Derbyshire councils, then the Boroughs in Derbyshire. The DirectGov website, JobsGoPublic, Guardian jobs, Charity Jobs though they are all pretty pointless these days but you never know...
Nice evening, might go for a stroll. Count the cats, look at the front gardens. Count my blessings - I don't live and work on a rubbish dump in Lagos (though it did have a surprisingly good side) - what were you watching last night?